Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.1

102 Peter's denial of his Mailer, S E x M. him, appears diftinguifhed among the dif- V ciples by a warm and forward zeal in his religious profeflion, tho' not always duely balanc'd with knowledge and deliberation ; he was the firft on many occafions, to ex- prefs his affeElionate refpea to his mafter, and readinefs to undertake any fervice which should be enjoined him ; he had the ho- nour to make that excellent confeflion con- cerning our Saviour, ,recorded Matt. xvi. 16. Whereupon he was declared to be the rock, upon which the chriflian church is built ; not exciufively, however, of the other A- poflles, for the church is built upon the foun- dation of the apo/lles and prophets; that is, their doârine : And to him were committed the keys of the kingdom of heaven : Not peculiarly neither, but he was the firft, which is the full meaning of that promife, that opened the kingdom of God, orpreach'd chriftianity to the Gentiles ; but fee how little reafon there is to glory in any external priviledges, and what fatal reverfes in their fpiritual Bate and affairs men are liable to, who poffefs the moll eminent of them ! Peter, foon after being thus honoured by his mafler, as we read in the fame 16th of Matt. expreffed himfelf fo ignorantly, and incon-