Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.1

practically improved. 103 inconfiderately, upon the defign of our Sa- S E R M. viour's coming, and the nature of his king- V. dom, as to diffuade him from undergoing the `!`^' fufferings his father had appointed for him ; thereby meriting to himfelf this fevere re- buke, get thee behind me, fatan, thou art an et; nee to me : for thou favour ell not the things that be of God, but thofe that be of men. This eminent Apoftle, I fay, was warn'd by his lord, not only in common with the other difciples, but himfelf perfonally, of the extraordinary trial he was to meet with on the occaton of his mailer's entering into that moil difmal fcene which concluded in his death. A trial fo fevere, that it pro- duced the unhappy effect of our Saviour's difciples forfaking him in his greateft extre- mity ; which was a grievous circumftance in his fufferings ; forefeen indeed by himfelf, and foretold long before by one of the anci- ent prophets, for thus is expounded Matt. xxvi. 31. the prediEtion of Zech. xiii. 7. (mite the Jhepherd and the fheep'hall be fcattered. 'tut, as Peter was more earneft in his pro - fefs'd refolution of adherence to his mafter in all events, ver. 33. of this chapter, tho' all men fhould be fended becaufe of thee, yet will I never be oended ; and ver. 35, tho' Z H 4 fhould