1 16 Peter's denial of his Mailer, S E R m. per and refolutions, fhould be founded on V. careful inquiry, and very attentive confider - ation. There's fuch a felf- partiality, I may fay, even natural to men, that wifdom requires us not to rely wholly on the firfl hopeful appearances of good affections and purpofes : But examine diligently, and re- lied calmly that we be not deceived. Se- condly, the refolutions of good men, in par- ticular circurnftanced cafes, that they will ftand in fuch a trial, which they are warned of, or overcome Inch a temptation, are yet lefs to be depended on, than their purpofes of perfevering integrity in the main : Be- caufe the laft is what we have greater en- couragement to hope for from the promifes of God, who will perform his good work in them till the day of Chrifl, will firengthen, flabl, and fettle them, and keep them, by his power thro' faith unto falvation, if he fees their difpofitions and the courfe of their lives habitually right with him : But they have no fuch fecurity againft the prevalence of particular temptations. And, laflly, great modefty becomes us, with thankful acknow- ledgments of, and humble confidence in God's gracious interpofal for our eflabliíh- ment. See how St. Paul exprefles himfelf, when