pratlieally improved. 11'9 felf, which is otherwife fully prov'd by SE R M. fufficient evidence. V. But let us obferve, that our bleffed com- paffionate Saviour was not unmindful of his -weak difciple, in that low Rate, to which he was to fall, and actually did fall, even by his own fault ; but regarded him with tender pity : He took early precautions againf} the ruinous tendency of that fall, by making timely interceffion for him : I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not : He gave early repeated warn- ings, that if the fin could not be wholly prevented, a foundation might be laid for repentance, when it fhould afterwards be brought into Peter's remembrance. Our Lord alto, in the extremity of his own dif- trefs, when he flood before a moo unrighte- ous tribunal, where he was cruelly and inhu- manly ufed, yet did not forget his guilty fervant. One of the evangelios obferves, that when the cock crew, the time forefeen for Peter's compleating his offence, yefus looked upon hire ; which is taken notice of as the occafion of his going out and weeping bitterly ; or forrowing after a godly fort, which' wrought repentance unto falvation, not to be repented of. And, laflly, the fe- cluel lhows, that the good fhepherd recover- i 4 ed 1