Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.1

I zo Peter's denial of his Mailer, SE R M. ed his ftraying fheep from the error of his V, way, and reftored him to that favour with himfelf in which he flood before; far from taking the forfeiture of privileges which he had made by his crime, he receives him, up- on repentance, as if he had not finned, (as it was juft now obferved, he contributed by his gracious care and kind interpofition, to bring him to repentance) and reinflates him in his office without abating one circum- ftance, one honourable diftintion from the reft of his brethren, which had ever been granted to him. After our Lord's refurrec- tion, When an angel attended at his grave to dire the difciples who fhould come to enquire for him, this heavenly meffenger diftinguithes Peter, in the report he makes to be communicated to the apoftles ; tell, Pays he, to the women, Mark xvi. 7. his dif- ciples and Peter, that he goes befòre them into Galilee. And we read fohn xxi. 15. that he re- ceived again with great folemnity the charge which had been given him before, to feed the fheep and the lambs of Chrift : Nay, care was taken by our Saviour, that Peter fhould rife with advantage from his fall, to greater p:'efulnefs, by an eminent zeal which nal wally accompanies fincere repentance, for con-