Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.1

practically improved. 121 confirming his fellow difciples And fo his S ER M. mafter charges him, when thou art converted, V. f'rengthen thy brethren. From what has been difcourfed on this fubjeE±, we may make feveral ufeful pradi- cal reflections. In the firft place, let us guard againft abufing it to the worft of pur- pofes, by thinking little of fin, and of yielding to temptations wherewith we may be affaulted. Since good men, indeed the very belt, while in this impelled Rate, are liable to be furprized, even into heinous tranfgreílion, that's a very good reafon for our caution, left we alfo be tempted and fall after the fame evil example : Not at all for our thinking their offences the lefs cri- minal, and thereby being eafily led into an imitation of them. On the contrary, a man's being otherwife good, and thro' the gene - ral courfe of his life and actions pious and virtuous, renders the fingle trefpafs, or the few he has been guilty of, the more finful ; becaufe his obligations to the contrary are greatly increafed by his goodnefs, by the experience he has had of the excellence and reality of religion, the power of its motives, the prefent advantages refulting from it, and by the repeated voluntary engagements he has