Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.1

pralically unproved. 123 and therefore nothing can be drawn from S E x M: them in the leaft to countenance evil habits, V. frequently producing wicked a &ions ; or affording hope to Inch as indulge themfelves in them, which by the plaineft and molt ex- prefs declarations of the word of God, dif- qualify men for his kingdom. And Bill lefs is there any encouragement given by the hiftory before us, and others parallel to it, from the divine forefight of men's offences, divine grace interpofing to prevent their total apoftacy, and providence over - ruling the iffue for good ; encourage- ment, I fay, to make light of their wilful fins, and go on in them with hope of impunity and acceptance. It is true, that our Saviour forewarn'd Peter of his fall, had a corn- paftîonate care of him in his weaknefs, took gracious methods for his recovery, and upon repentance reffored him to favour, and to the privileges and exercife of his former office, perhaps with advantage both to him - felf and others ; and it may be God deals fo by others of his fervants, which wonder- fully manifefis his tender mercy ; but furely it is no reafon, why we fhould repeat our tranfgreßïons; and harden qurfelves in them. This