practically improved. i25 that we fhould make it our Rudy and prin- S E R M. cipal care to efchew evil, and cleave to that V. which is good ; that we fhould be workers together with God for our eftablifhment in virtue, and a refolved adherence to him; to this end improving the invaluable advan- tages we have by the gofpel. Secondly, It becomes chriftians, and it is fafe for them, always to have a modeft fenfe of their own infirmity, and therefore to place their hope in the power and goodnefs of God for the prefervation of their integrity, and their defence againft temptations. St. Paul having, i Cor. x. given an abridgment of the hiftory of the Ifraelites in the wilder - nefs, of their fins, and their punifhments, applies it for an admonition to chriftians, whofe circumftances are in many refpeéts parallel, and fays, ver. 12. Wherefore let him that thinketh he flandeth take heed left he fall. Nothing is more apt to betray them into a fall, than a fond conceit of their own fuffi- ciency, and refting fecurely in their own ftrength. A much better foundation of con- fidence he mentions in the following words, ver. 13. God is faithful who will not fufer you to be tempted above that you are able. 'Tis