126 Peter's denial of his Mafier, SE R M. 'Tis true, men's confcioufnefs of their own V. fincerity naturally infpires them with courage ; the righteous is hold as a lion : but that is principally with refpe± to events, not in their own power; and the foundation of it is the fupremacy, the wifdom, the equity and goodnefs of divine providence, con- trouling the power of all creatures ; with refpeì to their eftablifhinent in virtue, and fupport againft temptations, it becomes chriftians, well inftruâed concerning their own weaknefs, and the fufficiency of divine grace, always to be jealous of themfelves, and to truft in the Lord with all their might. And, Laflly, Confider the exhortation of the apoftle, Gal. vi. s . Brethren, if a man he overtaken in a fault, ye that are f iritual more fuch a one to the fpirit of meeknefs, confidering thyf if lejl thou a fo be tempted, You fee the heft men are not out of danger; and though indignation againft evil is a vir- tuous inftiut planted in our nature, charity which fi fereth long, and is kind, is as truly a virtuous principle, and the exercife of the latter is as much our duty, as the former; indeed