130 Of 7uflifcation by Faith. S E R M. lent controverfies between the Jews and the VI. Gentiles, who embrac'd the chriftian reli- "' gion, about the neceffity of obferving the I\lofaical law and inflitutions, which the former zealoufly contended for. To decide this debate, and to fhow the abfurdity of the Judaizing fcheme, St. Paul wrote his epiftles to the Romans and Galatians, containing fe- veral paffages concerning juftification by grace and faith, as in oppofition to the law, and to works which force entirely found their opinions upon, without confidering the occafion and the fcope which are the true key of them. Now, if we carefully attend to the doc- trines of our Saviour delivered in the four gofpels, which, as it is reafonable to believe it fhould be, being given for a ftandard to chriffians in every age, is exceeding plain ; if, I fay, we carefully attend to it, there will be no difficulty in forming an idea of the conditions of obtaining the pardon of fin and acceptance with God, which it contains. Our blefied lord bringing a new revelation from heaven into a degenerate, ignorant, and corrupt world, it was neceffary firft of all, that his charaEler fl.ould be eflablifh'd, as a divine meffenger, or the MP//ìas ; who, upon the credit of ancient prophecies, was expeIed