Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.1

Of Ju/lcation by Faith. 131 expeéted in fudea, where he began his mi- S E R m. niftry. For this end he worked many il- VI. luftrious miracles, the mofI proper and ef- fe tual way for engaging the attention of dif- affeded and prejudic'd men to his doctrine, and procuring it a fair hearing. The firfI condition, then, of obtaining any benefit by the gofpel, muff be, what the bleffed author declares, believing it, or believing in him. Next, he requires repentance, or that men convinc'd of their former fins, of the evil of them, and the miferies to which they are thereby rendered obnoxious, fhouid break them off with abhorrence and indignation, and return to a better mind and to a better courfe of life, bringing forth fruits meet for amendment. Thefe are the true original terms of chriftianity, fix'd by our Lord Jefus Chrift ; who, when he came preach- ing the gofpel of the kingdom of God, laid, (that is, this was the fubflance of his preach- ing,) the time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand ; repent ye and believe the gofpel, Mark. i. 14, i s. But, when men became his profefs'd fub- je &s, embrac'd his religion, and entered into the kingdom of God, upon thefe terms, or into the chriftian Rate ; the general K 2 laws,