132 Of ufl(cation by Faith. S E R M. laws, or rules of their obedience, were de- VI. Glared by him in his other difcourfes; par- ticularly in his fermon on the mount, and molt clearly affertain'd by the example of his own life : and they appear to be no other than the moral law, the eternal and invariable law of nature, abridg'd in thofe moral, and perpetually binding precepts, which Mofes gave to the Ifraelites, contain- ing that love, confidence, fubmiffion, and obedience we owe to the deity; and the mu- tual offices of righteoufnefs and charity we are bound to perform to one another. To this end the precepts of the law are vindica- ted from the defective and corrupt interpre- tations of the Jewifh donors, and a more ftria purity and virtue enjoin'd by Jefus Chrifl:, than what was pratis'd, or fo much as underftood by them. He exprefsly de- clares to his hearers * except your righteoi f nef (hall exceed the righteoufnefs of the Scribes and Pharifees, ye fl.-ail in no cafe enter into the kingdom of heaven; and all along, he Uniformly purfues the fame defign throughout the whole courfe of his teach- ing ; conflantly requiring of all his difciples, fincere holinefs and conformity to the will of Matt. v. 20. God,