Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.1

Of yujiification by Faith. 13 3 God, as indifpenfably neceffary to their ob- S r R M. taming his favour, and the reward of eternal VI. life. He defcribes the future judgment with `"rJ great clearnefs and folemnity ; and affures us, that fentences will then be pronounced according to our works : the righteous, that is, ass he explains it, thofe who have abounded in the fruits of charity and beneficence, (hall inherit the kingdom prepared for them be-. fore the foundations of the world ; but the wicked (hall be adjudg'd to everlafting punifh- ment. If this be a true account of our Saviour's doEtrine in the gofpels, as I think it will plainly appear to every one who reads them attentively to be, there can be no doubt concerning the terms of our acceptance with God, which he has fix'd. The conditions of our becoming the difciples of Chrift are faith and repentance ; to which, if we be fincere, the forgivenefs of all our pail fins is annexed ; and the condition of our title to the final happinefs Chrift has promis'd to his difciples, is a perfevering ftedfaftnefs in obey- ing the immutable moral laws of God ; or in praftifing the virtues of fobriety, godlinefs, jufl:ice and mercy. K 3 But,