Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.1

134 Of .7ufi jcation by Faith. SE R M. But, as I obferved before, a controverfy VI arifing among chriftians, in the very infancy - --v+ of the chriftian Rate, about the neceffity of obferving the Jewifh law, occafion'd by the high opinion which the Jews had of their peculiar and diflinguifhing privileges, and the excellence and perpetuity of the Mofaic inftitutions ; the apoftle Paul, to whom the miniftry of the uncircumcifion, or preaching chriflianity to the Gentiles, was efpecially committed, enters into this debate and to determine it rightly, fo, as according to his own exprefl"ion, the truth of the gofpel might continue" in the church, he wrote feveral of his epiftles. It is very evident, that he de- cides againft the pretences of the Jews, and firenuoufly afferts the fufficiency of the gofpel itfelf, without the addition of the law, which he pronounces unprofitable ; earneflly exhorting chriftians to Rand fait in the liberty, wherewith Chrift had made them free, and not fuller themfelves to be again entangled in a yoke of bondage. To this purpofe he expreffes himfelf in fuch terms, as tend to magnify the gofpel, and Chow the neceffity and ufefulnefs of it; and the infufficiency of the law to the great ends of religion. I (hall in this difcourfe endea- vour