Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.1

Of .7uflification by Faith. 135 your to explain his doctrine of juftification S E R M by grace, without works, and by faith, as in VI. oppofition to the law ; which two ap- pear from the text to have a necefirary con- nexion. Therefore it is of faith that it might be by grace, to the end the promife might be fire to all the feed, not to that only which is of the law, but to that allfo which is of the faith of Abraham. In the firft place, let us confider the meaning of this apoftle's dodrine of jufti- fication by grace without works. That he teaches this is plain to any one who reads his epiftles, Rom. iii. 24. having largely prov'd, that all men had finned and were corrupt, both Jews and Gentiles ; that all had fallen íhert of the glory of God, and were con- cluded under wrath ; he fays, they are juftified freely by grace, thro' the redemption that is in Chr/ .7efies. And in the iith chapter, having difcourfed of the rejec- tion of the Jews, that is, the body of the nation for their difobedience to the gofpel, he fays, that as formerly, in the days of Elias, when there was a general de- fetion of the Ifraelites to idolatry, God ' re- ferved to himfelf feven thoufand who did not bow the knee to the image of Baal; fo K4 at