CC « CC CC CC CC CL CC CC CC CC CC LC <C 6C The PREFACE. xxiii tuous and praife- worthy. But am I not deceiving myfelf in this ? I cannot vindi- cate myfelf from fuch delufion other- wife, than by promoting thofe ends now to the utmoft of my capacity. If I do not do it now to my utmoft, I fhould not do it then ; for a mere change in the out- ward Rate will never make the heart bet- ter. If I am impatient that things do not come to pafs according to my fond defire, and fanguine imaginations, that is my fin ; and if fuch impatience of fpirit diverts me from my duty, it is a certain indication of infincerity in my profcffion as a chriftian." To conclude this general account of his diary, there runs through it a tender fpirit of fympathy with his friends : Many of their diftreffes are particularly reprefented, and the feelings of his heart, on their account, which Phew a very delicate fenfibility in fuch matters, and made him always ready to do his utmoft for their fupport and relief. With fuch variety of matter, omitting no- thing that was of any importance, he car- ried on the hiftory of his life, which, tho' manifeftly intended for his own ufe only, b4 and