CC CC cc CC CC 6C CC CC CC CC CC CC CC The PREFACE. xxvii wrong ground, conducting my pallions, imaginations, and endeavours : If this be my error, return, my foul, to the con- trary difpofition and practice from all thy projects and counfels, and conduct all thy affairs by this one principle, that re- ligious virtue is the true end, and the highe/t enjoyment of life ; fo (halt thou poffefs equanimity in all events ; fo fhalt thou enjoy thy own exiftence with com- fort ; fo (halt thou be able to fupprefs tumultuous defires, perplexing fears,, and difcouraging griefs, the fcandals, weak- nef es, vices, and torments of nature." IN another place, with refped to the chriftian religion, he writes thus ; " Many " are the objections that are raifed againft " chriflianity. Sometimes they are fiarted " in my mind very unfeafonably, and tend " to beget an indifference to, and a difielifh of the gofpel fcheme : This certainly " muft be got over, otherwife I can never " enter into chriftian exercifes with that " fpirit, and thofe affections, that become " me. Still, it muff be acknowledged that " fince it pleafed God to reveal his will to " men, he treats them as men; and allows " them