Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.1

xvrll CC 4C [C CC CC CC CC CC « [[ Cl « « CC LC « CC 6C CC CC « CC [C (C GC « CC The PREFACE. them the free ufe of their underftanding in examining it, to diflinguifh between true and falfe, and to form a right judg- ment of what is contained in his word. But the foundations upon which I have received chriftianity always appear to my moft deliberate thoughts concerning them, firm and unfhaken. I am perfely fen - fible they have often appeared fo in the freeft exercife of all my rational powers, and in the greateft, moft difpaffionate ferenity of mind. This farther I am fure of, that my moft exalted fentiments of virtue and moral perfe&ion, I have been led into from a contemplation of the rules, views, and motives of the gofpel. And tho' there be fome reprefentations and forms of fpeaking hard to be ac- counted for, yet the moft important paints, particularly the nature of future rewards, as confifting in the perfeälion of virtue, are declared according to truth, and the nature of things. The defign of Chrift's coming into the world, his dying, rifing, afcending, into heaven, (not as darkened by mens explanations and hy- pothefes, but in the fimplicity in which thefe points are declared in the New CC l efla ent)