The PREFACE. xxi, eC Teftament) are amazing of eds of Phi- " lanthropy. And the gift of the holy " fpirit, as reprefented in the fcripture, fo " far from being any way fnocking and ab- " Turd, I own, it appears to me moft " worthy of God, and a moft beautiful . part of the fcheme. When all thefe " things are confidered, I am perfecly fa- " tisfied. I confent to the gofpel covenant. " I find the greateft prejudices againft it at " c bottom, arife from the vanity of my own " heart, and the depravity of my affections. s` I therefore willingly go again to the " knowledge of Chrift, that I may learn " virtue, and upon the fame foundation on " which I have begun, and by the fame " means, to carry on a war againft fin. My " irregular appetites, my felfifh paffions, have even of late been very vexatious, " and providence has interpofed very re- " markably to controul them. Let dif- " content, anger, the love of the things of " this world, pride, with ail fantaftic and " unnatural affections, be hated and " oppofed. And as I am weak, Lord, " ftrengthen me by thy holy fpirit, that fo " the vigour of my mind may be preferved, " and I may every day, and by the con- " tinued