Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.1

XXX The PREFACE. " tinued ufe of prayer, meditation, and IC every ordinance of God, be afpiring to " integrity. If I be thus feeking glory and " immortality, eternal life (for what is eter- " nal life, what is heaven, but the integrity and perfection of nature ?) is mine. And " how little ought this world to feem in " my account ? How little fhould I regard " men and their behaviour towards me ? 0 that the bleffed Jefus were more in my " efteem, and I endeavouring to walk even " as he walked. I repent of my former " follies, and I turn to the Lord with all " my heart. (L (C (( (C AGAIN, " God has not framed the human nature fo as to be neceffarily mife- rable. Nay, fuch is our conflitution, that the greateft comfort, the nobieft enjoy- ment, arifes from our acting agreeably to it. That is, from doing conftantly, and uniformly, what our minds approve. One would think, now, here is an eafy and ready way to be happy. But indeed the doing our duty, acting a reafonable part, conforming our practice to the deliberate fentiments which are the refuit of an im- partial inquiry, is rendered difficult by " our