Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.1

áf Occafions of Sorrow. 247 view, by an attentive meditation, and re-S ER rd. volving them often in our thoughts, pro - X. duce a great concern, and affc t us very "--v--1 powerfully. This may very reafonably be, and frequently in fad is the cafe with re- fpedt to the prefent fubje&, which is the very reafon of Solomon's advice, namely, that inflead of eftranging our minds from the thoughts of death, and banifhing it as a difagreeable objet which will marr our plea - fures in life, we fhould rather defignedly entertain the apprehenfions of it, and in- duftrioufly feek occafions of bringing it to our remembrance, on purpofe to engage our affections, and work up our hearts to a fe- rious concern and juft folicitude about an awful event, on which fo great confequences depend. But the great pradtical objeftion, if I may call it fo, that is, which influences the af- fef`tions of men, and determines their con - due, though, if we examine it, it muff ap- pear to the underftanding very infufficient, is taken from the difagreeablenefs of the fubjeáts, mortality, and others which have a connef`tion with it. To think often and deeply on death, with an application to our - felves ; and, as what we muff expert, is a R 4 very