Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.1

The PREFACE. xxxi " our vehement appetites and tumultuous " paffions, which darken the mind, per - " Alex its counfels, diílipate its vigour, and, as I often find by experience, pre- " cipitate men into a ra_fh and finful conduct. " Yet I find no neceflîty laid upon me to be hurrid in that manner, and driven by the brutal impulfe of the mechanical " part of nature. It is in an unhappy cc choice, and in the prevalence of corrupt " affeftions, that the guilt confiffs. How " wonderfully is the glorious gofpel fuited " to this excellent defign of railing the " mind above all fervitude to appetites and " paffions, and of giving life and fpirit in " the performance of duty ? There is the " promife of pardon to be the foundation " of our dutiful return to God, when we " are confcious of having offended him. There is a promife that fin (hall not have dominion. The affiflance of the holy " fpirit is offered. Virtue is recommended " by a plain and eafily intelligible law, en- forced by a very powerful fandion. I cc do, therefore, betake myfelf to the re- " medy the gofpel has provided for me; I lay hold of the great falvation. I have " indeed for many years profeífed to do fo ; " but