Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.1

252 Of the proper Improvement S E R M. us to an attentive meditation on God, and X. providence, and a future fiate. when one, `""Y") fedately, and with a folemn compofure of mind, fets death before himfelf as the end of all men, and his own end, he cannot avoid looking up to the fupreme direâing caufe of this event which is the great, wife, juft, and good governor of the world, who having placed man upon earth for an appointed time, turns him again to defirution, and fays, return ye children of men, leave this fiage to account for the fe- veral parts you have aFted in it. Now, thefe fentiments entering deeply into the mind, every one fees, are produäive of true piety, of reverence for the fupreme Being, the irrefifiible ruler of all things, fear of offending him, confidence in his mercy as our only refuge, obedience to his laws, and fubmifíion to his will. From the fame fountain will proceed a difpaflionate indif- ference to the things of this world, both what is called good and evil in it, or profperity and adverfitv, fince they are fo tranfitory, and the effelt of them is confined to the prefent {late, they do not reach to the grave, where, as yob fays, the weary are at refl : And on the other hand, all the counfels and projelts of men for their worldly happinefs ce afe