25¢ Of the proper Improvement S E R M. the main intention which íhall govern our X. counfels, and our courfe of anion, that we may grow wifer and more virtuous, this is what our own minds will approve, and we profefs to believe that the happy effects of it will abide with us for ever. And where is the man that muff not acknowledge he needs to have his heart made better, that he is not yet perked, neither has already attained that practical knowledge, and thofe meafures of piety and goodnefs which he ought, and may arrive to ? Secondly, in order to fo great and valuable a defign, let us with firm refolution lay a neceffary reffraint on our fenfes and imagi- nation, the moll: unfit counfellors in fuch an affair. Let us learn to deny their molt im- portunate cravings, to retrench their plea - fures, to filence their tumults, and reconcile ourfelves to what may appear to them fevere, particularly to inure our minds to the thoughts of death, and have our hearts often in the houfe of mourning. SER-