Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.1

( 255 ) SERMON XI. The Happinefs of the Righteous in all Circumftances illuftrated. Ifaiah iii. io. Say ye to the Righteous, that it (hall be well with him. C A R C EL Y can one imagine a more S E R na. calamitous and difmal fate of things xi. 'in any nation or city, than the pro-%--).---0 phet here defcribes, as a tuaIly the condi- tion of fzzdah and yerz falem, a fiate of ex- treme poverty, and even famine ; the fay of bread and the flay of water was taken away ; the foundations of civil government were deftroyed, and their defences againft dangers, either from abroad, or from within, the defences both of wifdom and flrength, utterly ceafed, as well as thofe arts and im- provements which adorn human life, and are the beauty and firength of fociety. There.