Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.1

258 The Ìappinef of the Righters S E R M. might accompany public, almoll univerfal; XI. calamities. But at all times it is molt wor- `r`r thy of our ferious attention, as eminently ufeful to engage our inviolable adherence to the caufe of virtue, and that we may efcape the corruption that is in the world. I (hall therefore in the following difcourfe, firfl, endeavour to explain this fubject, by Mewing you who are the righteous, and in what fenfe it Thall be well with them, or, . they fhall be happy. Secondly, I will confider upon what evidence the prophet's affertion ,refls, or how it appears that there is a connee`tion between righteoufnefs and fe= licity. F'irfl, I am to explain this fubject, by (hewing you who are the righteous, and in what fenfe it (hall be well with them, or, they fhall be happy. It is the more needful to confider carefully this important diflinguifh- ing character, becaufe men are apt to run into miftakes concerning it, to place it in things wherein it doth not at all confift, at leaft which are very remote from its effence. Not but that the notions of right and wrong, of moral good and evil, are obvious to the human mind, and their difference eafily dif- cerned; the ideas of fenfible qualities are not