Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.1

in all Circurnfiances állufirated. 259 not more clear and diftinct : But in this S E mixed Rate, when men are neither perfeEtly XI. good nor had, the exact boundaries are not `"*"'`--4 fo eafily fixed, efpecially when an applica- tion is made of thefe characters to particular perfons, and we judge concerning ourfelves, in which cafe prejudice and felf- partiality often miflead men ; and fuperftition, a very prevailing evil among mankind, contributes to thefe errors, by leading them to imagine, that there is righteoufnefs and religion in thofe things, which have really nothing to do with it. In general the righteous is he, in whofe heart the morally good or pious, virtuous and pure affedtions rule, and whofe practice is habitually conducted by their direction ; the man who loves God above all things with his heart and foul, who fears him and efchews evil, whom no allurement of worldly pleafure, profit, or honour, no fear of worldly lofs or fuffering, can perfuade to defert his duty, to aft againft his confcience, or wilfully and deliberately to tranfgrefs any divine law known to him : Not the perfon who is altogether free from any infirmities, which, ftrictly fpeaking, may be called fin - ful, and who never, through the whole S z courfe