xxxii The P R E F A C E. " but have not made the progrefs might have been expeEted over fin. I therefore " bemoan myfelf, but what fhall I do ? I " muft renew my application to the grace of " Chrift. I confent to the gofpel covenant engaging myfelf, anew, in the ftrength of God to perform all the duties it re- " quires, and to oppofe all fin, thofe fine " efpecially, which I have found warring " againft my own foul. And, O ! my " foul, return to thy reft, to a quiet refignation to the will of God, to a firm confidence in him, and a cheerful acquiefcence in his " providence, return to meeknefs,, purity, and charity. Tnrs is all that I fhall tranfcribe from the diary, excepting what is neceffary to give the reader a juft view of Mr. Abernethy's reafonings with himfelf upon fome important turns of life, and the principles upon which his refolutions were founded. To proceed with the account of his life. His behaviour as the head of a family, was, in all refpeks, exemplary. Befides the daily regular worfhip of God in it (a matter in which he was very exact himfelf, and which It