26o The Happinefs of the Righteous S E R M. courfe of his life, has by ignorance or fur - XI. prife been drawn into thofe indeliberate ac- ` tions, which upon a review he cannot juf tify. If this were the fenfe of righteoufnefs, who could pretend to it ? For there is not a juji man that liveth upon the earth and fin,- neth not. But it has pleafed God gracioufly to accept of men upon lower terms, even upon the terms of fincerity, upon a predo, minant inclination and purpofe of heart to do his will, appearing by the fruits of piety, temperance, juftice, and charity, habitually in their lives. Thefe are the righteous with whom it (hall be well, for they are the obje &s of God's approbation and favour, according to the fettled unalterable rule of proceeding in his moral government. It is true, this is particularly and very exprefsly taught in the facred fcriptures : The prophets with one confent declare, that the upright man, though not wholly free from moral defeas, pleafes God ; and they preach the dotrine of repentance, promifing in God's name the remiffion of all their fins to fuch as fin - cerely comply . with it, or, that if the wicked forfake his ways, and the unrighteous man his thoughts,. the Lord will have mercy on