Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.1

262 The Happinefs of the Righteous S E R M. rations of fcripture : It is not thus that God XI. diftinguifhes his favourites, nor do righteous men place their happinefs in outward profpe- rity. There be many that fay, who will fhew us any good ? That inceffantly, and with the greateft eagernefs purfue fenfual and earthly gratifications as their chief good, which, be- caufe they cannot find in any one objed (for no one objeI of that fort can content the mind of man) therefore they feek it in a variety, and the end of their wifhes is Dill undeter- mined : But the liable uniform defire of the good man, is, that God may lift on him the light of his countenance, or grant him his favour, which is better than life. Nor is it to be thought, that divine providence will always interpofe to refcue the righteous from thofe calamities that come upon the world of the ungodly in which they live; it was not the intention of the prophet to affure them, that they fhould be preferved from the ruin of yerufalem, and the common fall of Judah, which was to be expeeted be-. caufe of their crying national fins, in which the righteous had no (hare ; but that in all events they fhould be happy, even though they were involved in the common defola- tion, and periled with the multitude of finners