in all Circumflances illuflrated. 263 fanners ; for the judgments of God pro - S E x M. cured' by the wickednefs of men do not al- XI. ways feparate between the precious and the vile, but he fullers them frequently to fall together ; flill however, even in death itfelf, making a great and important difference be- tween them. It is true, there are fome in- fIances of providence interpofing for the de- liverance of eminently good men from com- mon deftruIive plagues: Thus Noah, and his family efcaped that flood which over- threw the foundations of the wicked ; and righteous Lot was delivered from that ven- geance of eternal fire, as the apoille calls it, which confumed Sodom and Gomorrah. Such inftru live examples Phew, that God has not forfaken the earth, that his eye runs to and fro to mark the perfect, and flew himfelf flrong in behalf of the upright ; and they are imperfect fketches of his jufl admini- ftration, which wilt finally diftinguifh men according to their doings with the moil exact equity ; but they are rare examples ; the ordinary courfe of things is otherwife, and as far as relates to the outward fiate of men in this world, there is one event to the righteous and to the fi'aner. S4 We