26¢ The Happinefs of the Righteous S E RM. We muff therefore, in order to under. XI. Rand fully how it (hall be well with the righteous, enlarge our nation of the Rate of man ; we muff confider him in the whole of his being, his foul as well as his body, and in every condition and period of his exiftence. It is thus we judge concerning our Rate within the compafs of the prefent life, and its affairs : A man may be eafy and profperous in the main, when his principal interefts are fíourifhing, although he meets with various difappointments in things which are of leß'er moment. In like manner we may juftly fay, it is well with good men when their fouls profper ; they enjoy inward peace and fatisfa1ion, and their future hap - pinefs is fecured, though they are liable to fufferings in this prefent time, which, as the apoftle * fays, are not worthy to be compared with the glory that 'hall hereafter be revealed in them; and though they are not exempted from the common frailties, nor the extraor- dinary diftreffes which are incident to the reft of mankind, and the focieties they be- long to. The pleafure, the high felf -en- joyment which arifes from a confcioufnefs Rom. viii. 18.