in all Circumßances illuflrated. 265 of virtuous integrity, together with a firm SE R m. unfhaken confidence in God, the joyful ex- XI, peftation of a future more perfect happi- nefs, and the fure poffeffion of it when this life is ended ; thefe are the portions of fin - cere perfevering righteoufnefs ; for, as this prophet elfewhere teaches, chapter xxxii. 17. the work oo righteoufnefs (hall be peace, and the de. 51 of it quietnefs and afurance for ever. This is more fully and particu- larly explained to us in the fcripture. God has brought life and immortality to clear light through the Gofpel, and by his fpirit revealed, as St. Paul teaches z Corinthians, xi. 9. thofe things which he has prepared for them that love him ; things which eye hath not feen, nor ear heard, nor hath it entered into the heart of man to conceive. But at all times, and under every difpenfation of reli- gion, there has been (till fufficient reafon to believe that it (hall be well with the righte- ous, or that there is an eftablifhed infepara- hie conneEtion between virtue and happinefs, which leads me to what I propos'd. Secondly, to Phew the truth of the pro- phet's affertion in the text, that it fhall be well with the righteous, or that he fhall be happy Whatever becomes of the fociety he li