The P R E P A C E. xxxiii Which with the greateft zeal he recommend- ed to others, accounting it one great caufe of the decay of religion, fo juflly complain- ed of in the prefent age, that family wor- íhip was fo much negleded) he let a part a day, from time to time, feveral hours of which he fpent with his family, inflruding his children and fervants, and praying with them. And he had the teflimony of all in his horde, and of all the neighbourhood, to the great meeknefs of his fpirit, the even- nefs of his temper, and a generous affe titi onate care of all that were under his roof. IT may be reckoned amongft his more private labours, that every fortnight, for feveral years, 'he fpent a day with the mem= bers of his feffion, or (as it is fometirnes called) confflory, and as many of the prin- cipal perfons in the congregation, as were difpof:d to attend fuch fervice, in prayer and converfation upon ufeful fubjec`ís. Many of thefe have fpoken frequently of it fence, as what was of great advantage to them. Several points in chriflianity, which are lefs obvious to the unlearned, were freely dif= courfed upon, and every man had oppor trinity of propofing his difficulties. But the Vo rw. L conver.