in all Circun/lances illuflrated. 277 which he will judge the world in righteoufnefs S E R M. by yefus Chrifl, who will be glorified in his XI. faints, will give them crowns of life and glory, `' j and 'hall . take vengeance on them that know not God, and obey not the gofpel. If we fincerely believe the chriftian re- ligion, it is impoffible to diíbelieve this arti- cle, which lies at the very foundation of it ; indeed it may juftly be called the founda- tion of all religion, which is nothing elfe but the prafice of virtue out of refpeé to the Deity, or from a fincere perfuafion and acknowledgement of his Being, his moral perfe Lions, and moral government, or his providence ruling the world in righteoufnefs ; nay, virtue itfelf, in the molt abftraa way of confidering it, however amiable it may appear to the human mind, is left naked and deftitute of its greateft fecurity, unlefs we be convinced of its connexion with happinefs, and that it íhall be well with the righteous. But í1ill this principle, as clear as it is and important, confirm'd by the concurring evidence of reafon and revelation, and fo nearly affefting the higheft intereft of every man in particular, has not that influ- ence and effe ± on the minds and the prac- tice of men which it ought to have. Whence T 3 Both