Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.1

278 The Happinefs of the Righteous, &c. S E R M. cloth this arife ? Certainly from inattention, XI. from the influence of particular affeftions, paflions, and habits. There is nothing more unaccountable in the ftate of human nature, and the conduél of its powers, than that men fhould be determined to ad againft the conviction of their minds, and that the lower fprings of ae`fion fhould prevail againfl thole which are acknowledged to be fuperior. This is our infirmity, but it is not remedi- lefs ; and the remedy is in ourfelves : By a vigorous careful attention, and flrong refo- lution, which our hearts will tell us are in our power, our contraEted and even natural weakneffes may be cured ; but if we will not thew ourfelves men, we choofe our own deflruäion, and periíh like fools. How- ever, if the filthy will be filthy Rill, let the righteous be righteous Rill, allured that it (hall be well with him. SER.