Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.1

( 279 ) SERMON XII. The Path of the Tua, like the (pining Light. Proverbs iv. 8. But the path of the jufI, is as the fhining light, that fhineth more and more, unto the perf 'hl day. N this book Solomon recommends reli- S r R M. gious virtue to our affetionate effeem, XII. to our choice and confiant purfuit, by `---v"--$ the charater of wifdom ; a charafl er which if it be juftly applied, fhould render it highly amiable to mankind ; for what can be more agreeable to an intelligent nature, than the proper ufe, and the bell improvement of underfianding ? Indeed if we fix our thoughts attentively in the contemplation of this excellent obje&, we cannot mifs of dif- cerning its beauty ; it fhines by its own na- tive fplendor, and mull: ftrike every rational being with a fenfe of glory and dignity,. T 4 which