Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.1

like the fining Light. 283 eminent for any one of them, which is de- S E x M. ftitute of the refl. Rigid ju/lice will dege- XII. nerate into cruelty, if it is not accompanied with benej cence ; and to both thefe, that they may Thine in any character conftantly and uniformly, muff neceffarily be added temperance, or a Beady felf- dominion, a due government over the appetites and pallions : But in fuch a Rate as that of the world is, full of temptations, both blandifhments and terrors, none of all the virtues which have been named, can fubfift without fortitude, a firm inviolable refolution of cleaving to what appears right and good, whatever difficulties and dangers may attend it : And, lafly, as all thefe are the qualities, the works, or rational exercifes of intelligent Beings, not the refult of mere inftind, but of calm refletion ; and, efpecially, as great regard is to be had in them to a variety of external circumftances, they muff all of them be concluded with prudence. But to us chrif- tians the cafe is exceeding plain by the rule of our religion, which is delivered in the form of a law, containing [bort and plain precepts enforced by proper fanftions, and other motives. Will you meet with one declaration in the bible which authorifes you to