Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.1

284. The Path of the ft , S E R M. to detach a Tingle virtue, or a few, from the XII. . body, the fyflem of virtues, and to make it or thole few the whole of your religion, fufficient to denominate you true chriftians, to fatisfy the demand of your profeflion, and entitle you to the rewards of chriftiani- ty ? No, the contrary is indeed exceedingly clear, not one good moral quality or good work is omitted or left out of the religious chara&er, or the path of the fu/l, as it is defcribed in the wòrd of God ; but every branch of our duty to God, our fellow creatures and ourfelves, is frequently incul- cated, and ftrongly enforced. Sometimes we have the whole of our duty thrown to- gether in fhort and beautiful defcriptions; the high way of holinefs, as the prophet Jjaiah calls it, exa tly delineated ; and every road, that is, each particular virtue in the path of the jz fl marked out to us. Thus we are told, that what God requires of us, is to do juflly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with God And St. -j- Paul fays, that the grace which bath appeared bringing fizlvation, teaches us to live foberly, and rigt- teoufly, and godly, in this prefent world. Will * If. xxxv, Mic. vi. 8. t Tit. ii. 12. yoU4