like the 'killing Light. 287 one rule guides all its movements, and one. S E R M. great end is conftantly purfued in it. Light XII. fhows every thing truly as it is ; a man `Y1 walking in it, . fees his way and the end of it,; he is enabled to purfue his aim fteadily, keeping it always in view he knows how to choofe his Reps without turn- ing afide, and to avoid dangers : Like this is the principle of virtue in the heart direóing the converfation ; it is always_ the fame unvarying guide, admirable for its fim- plicity, without a mixture of interfering counfels, without a diversity of inconfiftent views; it leads us on to the one end of faith and of all religion, the falvation of the foul, which is nothing elfe but what my text calls the perfeht day, or the perfection of virtue itfelf. Whatever diverfity there is in the way, that is, in the prauice of religion, as it has been defcribed, containing righteouf- nefs, piety, temperance and charity, yet not only the end is the fame, but the fpring of a &ion, the one principle of faith working by love, the love of God and of mankind. Under the influence of this great animating fpring, the good work of God proceeds uni- formerly to its perfetion ; the divine nature, as St, Peter calls it, holds on its regular courfe,,