Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.1

288 The Path of the 7zf, S ER M. courfe, having all the active powers of tile' XII. human nature in fubjedion to it, with the full confent of approving reafon, and ap- plauding confcience, the candle of the Lord. But how unlike this is the way of the wicked, which Solomon juftly calls darknefs; vain thoughts, foolifh and hurtful lufts, blinding the underftanding and corrupting the heart, produce nothing but wild difor- der. No one end is Readily purfued, no governing principle adhered to ; but jarring paffions are its unequal guide, by which the unhappy perfon under their power is fu- rioufly hurried not knowing whither, fome- times to the purfuit of tumultuous brutal pleafures, of perifhing earthly riches, which moth and ruft corrupt, and thieves break through and Real ; or of fading honours, ac- cording as the lzfi of the fief, the lull of the eyes, or the pride of life, happen to have the afcendant fometimes into imaginary fcenes of danger, and even into black def pair, when diftraéting fear prevails, or the forrow of the world, which worketh death fometimes again into outragious madnefs, or meditated mifchief, when wrath and re= venge are predominant ; and all thefe blind guides in their turns rule the way of the wicked,