Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.1

like the fhining Light. 2 8 9 wicked, which therefore is, according to S E R M. another elegant fcripture comparifon, like XII. the troubled * fia that cannot r, but is perpetual confufon, driven by the winds, and teed. Our paffions, efpecially when ítrengthened by indulgence, and confirmed by evil habits, bring the mind into an un- happy Rate of ignorance, and leave the mo- ral conduct under no proper direction ; which our faviour, agreeably to the figure in my text, exceiler;tly reprefents by the allufion of an evil eye, Matthew vi. 22, 23. the light of the body is the eye, if therefòre thine eye be jingle, thy whole body 'hall be full of light : But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body (hall be full of darknefs ; if therefore the light that is in thee be darknef, how great is that darknefs! As the vitated organ of tight is dangerous to the body, leaving a man without any juft direction how to walk fafely, and to fly,-: loares and precipices, fo the judgment of the mind concerning moral differences, or whatever is neceffary and of the utmoft importance to human happinefs, being corrupted and milled by tuft and paf- fion, is in deplorable darknefs, not knowing Vol.. I. Ifaiah lvii. 20., U gt