r-- like the whining Light. 299 defcribing the progrefhve condition of chrif- S E R M. tians ; and they are diftinguifhed according XII. to the meafure of their advancement into babes and perfect men, by the apoftle Paul. And St. yohn makes three Rages of the fpiritual life, little * children, young men, and fathers. But Rill, it is evident that this progrefs depends upon ourfelves : It is in- joined as our duty ; recommended by the belt examples, and we are encouraged to it by the promife of an ample reward, in pro - portion to the meafure of our zeal, diligence and proficiency during our being in a Rate of difcipline. We are exhorted to -j- grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord 7efus Chrill; to add Rill to the meafure of our virtue, and multiply our fruits of righteouf- nefs more and more, which is whining more and more in the fenfe of the text. St. Paul propofes himfelf as a pattern for our imita- tion, when fenfible of his not having attain- ed, neither being already perfect, + leaving the things which were behind, and reaching forth to the things which were before, he prefs'd towards the mar' k, for the prize of the high calling of God in Chrifl y fus, and we are taught that in exact proportion to r John ii. 12, 13 t 2 Pet. iii. 18. $ Phil. iii. i3. the