like the fhining Light. 3o failures, not fully underflood by us (for eye S E R M. bath * not Peen, nor ear heard, nor have X I I. entered into the heart of man, the things t"--'4 which God hath prepared for them that love him) which at prefent terminates all our wifhes and aims. We have but general and weak notions of what may be hop'd for beyond it; and every good man painfully refleéling on the infirmities which now cleave to him, refts with contentment and joy in the happy profped of that exalted condition, in which he (hall be wholly free from fin, and from temptations to it ; the devout and virtuous affedions (hall have their full fcope, and no more be controuled or refirained in their exercife by inferior appetites and paffions. This may well be called the perfect day, when fet againfi the weaknefs, the obfcurity, and the difcomfort of our Rate in this world. To it we fhould always afpire with a noble ardor of mind, and to it our feeble virtue tends; every vigorous fiep, however, we take, brings nearer to it, and alfo is accompanied with a prefent reward in the increafe and confir- mation of good habits themfelves, which really is a fubftantial happinefs, and with * r Cor. ii. 9. ;