Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.1

like the fhining Light. 303 progrefs of it in all its beauty, and (hewed S E R M. that it ends in a perfect day. But this is XII. the condemnation of men, hardened thro' "--"'"i the deceitfulnefs of fin into obftinate unbe- lief, that they loved darknefs rather than light, becaufe their deeds were evil. But let us re- member, it is not enough once to have feen the excellence of religious wifdom, to have profef,'d ourfelves her votaries, and that we have an affection for her, (the fincerity of which can no otherwife be prov'd than by perfeverance and growing in it, and we (hall difhonour her more by turning away from the holy commandment, than if we had never known the way of righteoufnefs) they only who endure to the end (hall be faved ; and it is by a patient continuance in well doing, that we are to feek for glory, honour, and immortality, fo as to obtain eternal life. The End of the FIRST VOLUME.