The PREFACE. xli ter a long debate among the parties, one for his going to Dublin, another for Befà/l, and a third for his remaining at Antrim, came to a determination in favour of the firit. MR. ABERNETHY now found hirn- felf in a good deal of perplexity ; lie was exceedingly dear to the congregation of An- trim, and they to him : His own judg- ment was, that his removal was like to be hurtful, rather than ferviceable to the public intercft of the difenters : At the fame time a great regard had been always fhown to fynodical decifions ; and there was appa- rent danger of incurring great inconvenien- cies, by adling in dired contradiftion to them. The fynod had appointed his remo- val to Dublin in three months ; during this time, he had frequent confultations with his friends : Many urged him to comply with the fynod, and had frightful appre- henfions of the confequences of fuch an ad of difobedience to their authority, as his continuing at Antrim muft be. That autho- rity had been generally efl-eemed indifpu- table, and any thing that was like to wea- ken, much more to bring it into contempt, was 4