The PREFACE. xliii and againft his removal, and balancing all things that could be fuggefted, he concludes thus : " I have all the encouragement I can " well expeét, in the prefent ftate of the " churches, to continue where I am ; I la- " bour among an affe ±ionate .people, and " not without hope of fuccefs : I am per- " fe&ly fatisfied, God has bleffed me in my " miniftrations here : I have work enough, " and that of the molt public nature; I can attend any where : My much efteemed " brethren in the neighbourhood, who have " the intereft of the gofpel, and the caufe of CC chriftian liberty at heart, prefs my continu- " ance among them, to join in the happy " work in which they are engaged ; and, I C` am convinced, that in this church parti- " cularly, and at this time, it both needs, and is worthy of all the aífiftance I can " give. Thefe arguments prevail, and the " main force of the other (viz, for his re= moval) depends upon fervile notions of t[ ecclefiaftical power, which are attended cc with confufion and fear, but without light, and they deftroy a rational choice. It is my prefent deliberate and full per- " fuafion, that no fynod has any fuch power, " as that of removing a minifter from place "