xliv C6 CC CC CC CC CC CC CC The PREFACE. to place without his own confent; and I believe, I ought to make a Rand againfl any fuch claim. But, O ! that I may carry with a becoming modefty, and dif- truft of my own judgment, fuch as may keep me always open to conviftion, and the Lord reclaim me when I go affray." THE mention made in this paffage of the caufe of chriftian liberty, naturally leads to fome account of the part Mr. Abernethy ailed in the long continued debates con- cerning it in the north, which produced ef- feEts, at firft not at all thought of by the contending parties. HE had very early in life difcovered, and been very fenfible of the pernicious tenden- cies of a party fpirit in matters of religion, and of the tyrannical exercife of ecclefiaíli- cal power, in what form or conflitution foever it obtained: He had all along fet himfelf againft this ; and was, when he had opportunity, either in the public miniftra' tions, or in private, very zealous in recom- mending chriftian charity : This evidently appeared to be a favourite fubje t of dif- çQurfe