The PREFACE. xlvii. SEVERAL minifters, who. at the firft were members, did fome time after, when the debates concerning ecclefiaftical power and chriftian liberty became very warm, withdraw themfelves from the fociety The following (afterwards diftinguifhed by the name of non- fubfcribers) continued to pur- fue the defign of it with much diligence ; namely, Dr. fames Kirkpatrick, and Mr. ,Samuel Haliday, both of Belfìafl ; Mr. Mi- chael Bruce of Hallywood, Mr. Thomas. Ne- vin of Downpatrick, Mr. f ohn Mears, then of Newtown, Mr. Harper, then of Moyza, Mr. yohn Henderfon of Dunne, Mr. Tho- mas Shaw of Ahgbill, Mr. William Taylor of Carncaflle, Mr. fofias Clug/lon of Larne, Mr. Thomas Wi f n of Bal yclare : Of thefe, Meflieurs Kirkpatrick, Haliday, Bruce, Shaw, Taylor and Harper, are fince removed by death. As they were Mr. Abernethy's in- timáte friends, and conftant members of the Belà/1=fociety, it will not probably be un- acceptable to the reader, to give him a fhort account of their chara ters. DR. KIR KPATRI CK was a perfon of a very great compafs of knowledge : He had 4 1