Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.1

The PREFACE. to the Rudy of phyfic, and taken the de- gree of doftor (which degree he took like - wife in divinity) he praätifed as a phyfician; feveral years before his death. He was a molt zealous advocate for the juft liberties of chriftians greatly ufeful to the Belfafi- fociety, and was the author of feveral pa- pers which they publifhed in their contro- verfies with the general fynod. He was of a mind confiant and refolved, not to be moved by clamor and importunity, or un- juft reproach. He had a very great know- ledge of the world, and a good judgment in affairs. He had the interdis of reli- gion very much at heart, and upon all pro- per occafions difcovered a molt zealous fpi- rit. He was a laborious and confiant preacher ; but frankly acknowledged to his friends, that he did not beftow much thought or time upon exalnefs of Rile or compofition, thinking it enough, if the fen - t-iments were juft and plainly expreffed, calculated to anfwer the great ends of preach- ing, in folemn addreffes to the confciences of men. He was a perfon, through the whole of life, of arid fobriety and tem- perance. He fpoke and argued with much ftrength and judgment ; and was, withal, a Vo L. I. d man